Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kim's Photos

My family went to Canada during the Christmas break.  It was the first time I experienced falling snow and it was really amazing.  It was really cold up there but the scenery was so beautiful! I had with me my father's Nikon D80, though I have no idea how to use SLR cameras, I think my pictures turned out to be great.  If you have no skills in seeing the right angles and other things that professional photographers see in a picture.  You just need an awesome scenery and keep clicking your camera, there is no doubt that you will have great pictures with you! 
view outside our lodge

the driveway

my little brother enjoying the snow

Monday, January 24, 2011

Julio's Pictures

      The first picture is from my immersion. This for me is a happy picture because its a picture that reminds me of how fun like can be through the eyes of a little kid. One interesting story behind the taking of this picture is because I wanted to remember "boy patalim", the boy on the left side of the picture. I nicknamed him so because the first time I saw him, he was carrying scissors cutting away at anything he could find. The next day, I saw him carrying a small knife which for what purpose, I do not know.


 This is a picture of my brother that I took at a party during the Christmas break. I remember at the start of the party, the dance floor was plain until they turned off the lights and turned on the spot lights. Everyone enjoyed the music and the dancing even my brother in the picture that does not like to dance but is dressed like Justin Bieber.
     I took this picture from the time our my siblings, cousins and I took a trip to enchanted kingdom. It was fun hanging out with them after so long but the thing about enchanted kingdom when we went there was that it was packed. I think the picture tells you just how packed it was especially since the picture was taken at night. The log jam was actually the first ride we were able to go on despite us being there for almost four to five hours already. Although it took us this long to experience the magic of Enchanted Kingdom, the waiting helped us enjoy each other's company by playing games in the line or teasing, making fun of each other.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nick's Pictures

I really enjoyed this week's assignment to go and take pictures of what we found fun. I ended up taking my camera around and taking a ton of pictures, most of which I didn't really find that compelling to share. In the end, I chose four pictures. Two from a skating session I had with my brother, and two from a friend's party at Bugsy's Makati. These pictures stuck out for me because it captured what I truly enjoy and find fun. Hope you like them! Check em out!

I have been skating for nearly a decade now, not that I'm any good. I just enjoy the freedom of expression it has. It's not about defacing public property or being a rebel, it's simply an outlet. Much like any other sport. The thing I love about skateboarding, is that even if you can't land any tricks, as long as you have style it's all good. It's really more of an art-form for me, the way people approach obstacles or different roads brings a definite originality to that persons skating style. My younger brother, is someone who I have always admired for his flare and style on a board. (Taken using Nikon D300s)

Friends are a huge part of my life. I honestly believe that who I am, is the collective effort of my friends and family. So I love getting together with my friends for inuman. Especially when it's open bar! For some reason, the alcohol tastes so much better! Haha! Add to that, a birthday party that has some sort of dessert and that's a perfect night out. These pictures are from a night just like that. Free drinks + cupcakes + good friends = AWESOME!!! (Taken using Canon G11)

 I fixed the colors of the pictures on photoshop. I just enjoy fixing the colors to look almost Lomo-ish.

10 things you need to know about Bane

So I'm sure we all know that Anne Hathaway is going to be playing Catwoman, and I think she is going to be super hot as her! Good choice! And Tom Hardy will be playing Bane. He was known to be tied to the movie for some time, but a lot of people did not see Bane as the choice. Christopher Nolan is known for not liking to use CGI, so how is he going to pull off Tom Hardy looking like a HULK-like dude. I'm sure Hardy will beef up considerably and I'm fairly certain all trace of the "venom" strength enhancing gimmick will be left out too, though there could well be a nod to it. Bane as a roid freak perhaps? Interestingly enough, I found this video that could be how they pull it off. 

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Here's a quick background on Bane: 
The character's roots lie in South America where he has a particularly hellish upbringing and is forced into a life of crime and punishment by his corrupt father. This much I do expect Nolan to carry over. Making Bane a product of the streets as it where will contrast brilliantly with Bruce Wayne's relatively sheltered and privileged upbringing. Sure he went through a bit of self imposed exile for a while in Batman Begins so he could better understand the criminal way of thinking but it's a far cry from Bane's miserable life(provided they keep that element from the comics of course). Another way Bane could be used ties in with Batman Begins. Many expect that since this is the final part of a trilogy Nolan will go back to earlier plot threads when putting together third film's story. Well Bane was actually affiliated with Rhas Al Ghul and assumed the role of his emissary for a brief time in the comics. That's a possibility. Whatever way he is used, expect Batman to be on the receiving end of a sound beating in this movie!

Now, 10 things you need to know about BANE:
In the comics, Bane is a huge, physically pumped, extremely intelligent (usually) bad guy. In the film, he’ll be played by Tom Hardy, who might not have looked that buff when we last saw him in Inception, but who’s capable of piling on the muscle when needed – see his title role in Bronson.

Bane spent his childhood in a prison in the fictional Caribbean country of Santa Prisca, after his father fled from a life sentence imposed for revolutionary behaviour against the corrupt government and the authorities decided to imprison his son instead. 

Bane killed his first man at 8, a criminal who wanted to use Bane as a funnel for information on the prison. The boyish villain kept a knife hidden in his cute li’l teddy bear Osito. But he wasn’t all about the murder! He also learned everything he could from books and other inmates, and worked out in the gym whenever possible.

While in prison, Bane was subjected to trials of an experimental drug called Venom – not to be confused with any Marvel-owned alien substances of the same name. This almost killed our anti-hero, before granting him vastly greater physical strength – for as long as he kept taking it through pipes attached to his brain. Don't do drugs!

Bane had heard of Batman in prison, and on escaping headed for Gotham (another place where “fear rules”) to seek out this mysterious figure. Rather than go straight for the Bat-throat, however, he just knocked down the walls of Arkham Asylum and let Batman spend a few months rounding up all his enemies. 

Finally, Batman returned to his base, exhausted from three solid months of supervillain chasing, to find that Bane had figured out his secret identity and was at Wayne Manor waiting for him. Ooops. At that point, it was – as they say – on like Donkey Kong. Only things didn’t follow their normal pattern, and Bane calmly and efficiently broke Batman’s back across his knee.

In Wayne’s absence, a sometime-ally called Azrael donned a super-Batsuit, managed to defeat Bane by severing those drug pipes into his head (Drugs: don’t do it!) and beat him half to death. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne was healed by supernatural means (of course) and was able to take the Bat-mantle back from his Bat-locum, who’d threatened to go Bat-shit crazy in any case.

Following his defeat, Bane was cleaned up from his Venom addiction in prison and became a good guy. We know, we know, that makes very little sense and feels like they were pandering to fans who’d decided they liked the big guy. Anyway, he and Batman even worked together on a few jobs to bring down Venom dealers who were threatening the city.

In a slightly more convincing development, Bane met Ra’s Al Ghul, who was impressed by the man’s intellect and appointed him his successor. The pair try to launch a plague on Gotham, which Batman obviously has to stop. More importantly, he obviously has to have a rematch with Bane that doesn’t end up with the Bat getting his ass kicked and his spine severed. Win!

So what can we expect from the film? Well, the “successor to Ra’s Al Ghul” thing would fit with Nolan’s Bat-world. But breaking Arkham open has been done, and the absence of the supernatural probably precludes actually breaking Batman’s actual back. Still, the plague story is possible, as is the distribution of a new drug – although both of those risk treading awfully close to the first film’s fear toxin.

Originally posted at http://paresolid.blogspot.com

Anne Hathaway to play Catwoman and Tom Hardy will Play Bane In The Dark Knight Rises!

It looks like that actress Anne Hathaway is confirmed to play Selina Kyle/Catwoman while Tom Hardy will be playing Bane in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises. Check out the press release!

Warner Bros. Pictures announced today that Anne Hathaway has been cast as Selina Kyle in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises. She will be starring alongside Christian Bale, who returns in the title role of Bruce Wayne/Batman. Christopher Nolan stated, "I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Anne Hathaway, who will be a fantastic addition to our ensemble as we complete our story."

In addition, Tom Hardy has been set to play Bane. Nolan said, "I am delighted to be working with Tom again and excited to watch him bring to life our new interpretation of one of Batman’s most formidable enemies." Nolan will direct the film from a screenplay he wrote with Jonathan Nolan, from a story by Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer. Nolan will also produce the film with his longtime producing partner, Emma Thomas, and Charles Roven. The Dark Knight Rises is slated for release on July 20, 2012. The film will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company

F*CKIN' RIGHT!!! THAT MADE MY MORNING!!! LEZZDODIS!!! I wonder if Anne Hathaway is going to go blonde for the role, and if Tom Hardy will put on a Mexican accent for Bane... Haha! Anyways, this is just awesome news! Thanks to Steph and Jus for sending this to me!

Originally posted at http://paresolid.blogspot.com